Sunday, December 14, 2008

Weird but Funny Fake iPhone Commercial on Youtube

SO FAR, I HAVE WENT ON TO YOUTUBE AND SEARCHED "FAKE COOL IPHONE." THEN IT SHOWED THIS REALLY FUNNY FAKE IPHONE COMMERCIAL. Why am I typing all this in uppercase anyway? People don't pay attention to what I'm writing; doing this to get THEIR attention. THATS WHY!!!! At first the screen shows a MP3 player. Then it says:

Obviously, you might think this is an Mp3 player.


But it is also a PDA


But it is also...

A Mobile Phone


A Mp3 player..
A PDA...
A Mobile Phone





Then, I was expecting that it would show an apple with one bite. Instead, it showed me a PEAR with THREE bites!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH! THat almost made me gag and this is making it a hard time to type!!

Anyways, go and check out the video yourself. Just search Fake Cool iPhone (videos), and perhaps a result will show.

Google G1 Android Video Results on Youtube video channel theiphoneblog

You know about the new Google G1 Android phone? Well, Smart Phone Maniacs, it seems that you don't actually have to worry about, "How do you use this phone?" Well, Youtube channel theiphoneblog has it all. It actually has a review of the Google G1 Android phone, because they deal with a lot of smart phones, not just the iPhone T-Mobile First Gen and AT&T iPhone 3g. So if u want to check out the latest G1 videos online at Youtube, just check out what theiphoneblog has for you.

Cool Tech Video Results

I didn't include video comparison for iPhone 3G vs BB Storm (first touch screen BB), but I have tried it once on my iPod touch on the Youtube app. Just search "iPhone vs Blackberry Storm", and then some really cool results come out. Check out Youtube channel phonedog, because an iPhone vs. Blackberry Storm Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 are all in the phonedog Youtube channel.

Some Youtube Videos for Smart Phone Maniacs

Two videos for CECT P168 (tphone) on Youtube:

Two Videos for CECT M188 on Youtube:

One Video on the Palm Treo Pro:

A Few Videos Comparing a Smart Phone With Another:

A Video About CECT A88:

There are many more videos. I only managed to see a few of them. Here is just a sample list or real videos that are all on Youtube. Smart Phone Maniacs, if you do not know about CECT fake iPhones (Hiphones), check out the "A Video About CECT M188", "Two Videos About CECT P168 (tPhone)", and "A Video about CECT A88."

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Introduction (前言)

Hi, my name is Andrew Zhao. The only reason why I want to keep my own CHINESE journal is because I think Chinese is an cool language. Even though I quit Chinese class with my friend Tony, I still go to an after school enrichment class called Hua Cheng. Chinese is OK, just like French is!!! (I don't know a lot of French though)

Chinese Translation (Simplified)
中文翻译 (简体):

你好,我的名字叫赵安筑。为什么我要有一个中文的博客呢?实际上只有这个意思: 因为呢,中文是一个很cool的文话。虽然我不跟我的好朋友,刘若即上华夏中文学校,可是我放学以后就上华成中文学校。中文也还凑活,就像法语!